Getting back to normal Christchurch Food Bank reopens 14 October 2021
4th October 2021
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Christchurch foodbank will be reopening on Thursday 14 October. The service for food parcel collection at Central Food Bank in the Citizen’s Advice Bureau on Thursday’s will be transferring to Christchurch. The rest of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday) Food bank will still be available at Citizen’s Advice Bureau on Corn Street. Apologies that this is a week later than advertised recently.
We are still running an appointment system to help keep safe by keeping contact down
If you want to arrange an appointment please call 0808 1963482 or email [email protected]
Clients or agency staff with appointments are welcome to come to Central food bank (Corn street Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday and at Christchurch on Thursday) to collect food parcels, we’re looking forward to seeing you all again at the door, but unfortunately until remaining restrictions are lifted we won’t be able to invite you in.
Hopefully this will be a temporary measure until we can open properly catch up with you all.